But you can call me:
Lena... haha, I wish I had a cool nickname, but I don't!
Junior Underwriter /Prevention Assistant at a local insurance company {boring!}
Blog url:
Twitter url:
Age you got your first tattoo:
I think I was 19 or so... it was a small tribal on my lower back.
How many of them you got?
The thought that went behind it/them(tell us a little about your rad ink):
The first few I got were just "tattoos are cool and I'm going to get one" type of tattoos... I don't necessarily "regret" any of them, but they are very common, little designs that don't really "mean" anything. So, ideally, I want to cover those up with something more meaningful and more my style.
Got a matching star tattoo with my BFF when we were 20ish |
This one was much cuter in my pre-baby days! |
Got a favourite?:
My biggest one means the most to me. I love the look of old school
tattoos, and wanted to incorporate my kids names into a simple design.
This is what we came up with, and my artist executed it perfectly. Just
what I wanted!
Reaction of your friends/family:
My husband is covered in tattoos, so he was especially happy with my last one. My family doesn't LOVE them... but they accept me and know that it's something I love.
Have you ever run into any sort of negativity because of your tattoo:(work,etc):
Not yet! I was already established in my position at work when I got the big one on my leg... I thought the boss may say something... but he hasn't. lol
And I just pierced my nose too and he hasn't said anything about that either.
Actually, neither has really been acknowledged my boss... but my co-workers think it's very "me."
Your artist,and a little about him/her:
My last, and favorite tattoo was done by
Tiff, at Planet Ink
She's super cool, very talented and has done a bunch of hubby's tattoos too!
Plan on getting any in the future?Tell us a little about them!:
Ooh, yes! I'd love a half sleeve, and more work done on my leg. I prefer the look of old school tattoos, so the hubby & I might get matching black & grey roses (and my 'matching' I really mean, similar styles done at the same time... lol)
What advice do you have for people procrastinating about getting one:
Really think about what you want... chances are if you've been thinking about it for a long time, you won't regret. Make sure your tattoo represents 'you'
Your thoughts on tattooing as a trend and/or as an extension/expression of your personality
For sure I believe that a tattoo is a piece of art. I think it's a beautiful way to express yourself...
A lot of people say that in 20 years I'll regret them because it'll be weird for an older person to have tattoos... BUT since tattooing is a hip trend right now, I'm sure to NOT be the only old person with tattoos... it'll probably be more uncommon to not have any! haha!