10 December 2011

On getting Dotcom-ed and other little big changes

As you've probably noticed,my site looks VERY pink right now-and until I get sick of it,I'll just lean back and admire my handiwork for a while.This time I went out and out crazy with everything trying to make it look less blogger like and more profesh.Alternatively,you can also look at it like me being a huge cheap-ass who can't afford to make a move to Wordpress just about now.In the process,however,I discovered how much potential blogger has if you can only push and wield it.Everyday of designing is a learning experience for me.The boy did help me out with a few codes-the perks of love and coitus with a nerd ^_^(said person is registering a tumblr as we speak).

I also got myself a brand new DOTcom after much procrastination -look up at the address bar and behold the new domain kid initiate.Slaughter a goat.Beat a few drums-let's dance around the fire!
A few days back I made a necessary mistake of changing my old url and lost all my followers(even though hardly any of them were regular commentors ,still..) and I was apprehensive.I Googled high and low and only made the switch after I was convinced that if I bought a domain through Blogger(which is registered at Godaddy), Google does all the redirecting for you  and I would lose neither my comments nor my readers.However I did see my comments disappear while my blog was in transition(probably because my comments were on Disqus) and stubbed my toe till it called me in for domestic violence.
Two days later I re-installed Disqus,and it was all good. *insert goofy smiley face here*.So,if I would say if you really need all that space IRL,you might as well grab one online.*winks*

Yes indeed,I do work for Measles' Inc.


  1. haha yea..sure does looks so much more grown up,yes?Blogger has it's limitations..but it can be pretty awesome seeing that it's free and all :P
    I'm looking for a host that I can pay monthly or atleast bi-annually,hmm.Do you know of any?

  2. Kristen,it's just a matter of three days-which sound like nothing.But when you're actuall going through it,it's actually ETERNITY lol.YAAY so glad you love it.I'm kinda in love with this one ^_^ That's so sweet of youuu :)

  3. Thanks Bella!I like pink in small doses..or maybe it's just a conscious aversion of my pre-ladylike self lol.I love me some pink now :D

    Purchasing a domain through google is pretty cheap I guess..it only cost me $10/year or I would have had no chance

  4. haha thanks ^_^ webcam pics FTW xD

  5. I dread the day I have to transition to .com and go through the headache! losing all your followers and comments?! that's scary stuff... glad you got it worked out. And you know I adore your new design- even if it is pink! It's so professional and most importantly it's so YOU :)

  6. I've never been on blogger and don't know the whole deal as to how it works and how it does things, but i do know that having your own domain rawks! now to get your own host :P hehehe

  7. Sweta, I love your blog interface! And being quite a pink lady, you know I approve of all this luscious pink! Good for you for getting your own domain. Some day I'll have money to own mine. I hope! :)

  8. Your picture is so cute and adorable!!!!! <3







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