14 January 2012

excuse me

4 days,16 hours and god knows how many extra sheets later my "saga of suffering" has finally ended. I had almost no sleep this week and yesterday I went to bed at 6pm and woke up at 11,tried to call the boyfriend who was dead by then.Plop repeat.I woke up this morning at 7am to a REALLY cold Calcutta.It has been snowing in places here where snowfall has never been recorded,ever and news tells us that our (almost) coastal city would be dipping to a 5 degree C.It's not much for those who are used to a white winter,but it would be the least temperature recorded if that ever happens.One word,or a sequence of numbers if you please - 2012.I'm a skeptic I suppose- but sometimes it's thrilling/scary.Sam,however has a morbid curiosity.

Oh btw did I mention my arm is killing me?Calcutta University,I hate you- you and your dark age paper patterns.
Right now I think I'm at liberty to kick my dog(I take that back-almost),almost give my dad the finger if he comes yelling "lazy" and a be total slob for the next few days.And write blog posts in short forms.I am aggravated.Universe?Do you care? Give me a sign!Make a few geese cackle or something.

I was supposed to go to a school Re-union today, but bailed.For one,I haven't met most of them for years- and that should be enough impetus to actually turn up, but then I've met a few and it's like I 've gone in a different direction and we can't communicate anymore.I don't want to stand there all awkward twirling a drink mixer.Or worse still,drink too much.Ever feel that way? I have this weird contradictory nature where I do want to go as much as I don't.Somebody should write a book about me,hopefully it would be famous after the author dies and 100 years from now some poor ass would be killing him/herself analyzing my character in a CU exam.That's how bitter and random I am right now.

Anyway,expect to see me around your blogs next week onwards!


  1. Oh, Sweta!! OK, numero uno: holy shit it's snowing in Calcutta?! I live in Utah which is known for "the best snow on earth" and it hasn't snowed yet, like 2 inches, but still. there's NO snow on the mountains. It's totally 2012 to blame *twilight theme music* Numero two: i'm sorry you're going through so much stress! argh! it will be over soon and then you can get sloppy drunk with people you actually care to see! Right?! Cheer up buttercup! I heart you! xoxo

  2. I loves snow sweta ENJOY THE SNOW GO MAKE SNOW ANGELS!!!

    1. Oh it's not snowing in Calccutta,just a li'l bit up north haha

  3. Just found your blog, glad i did. your blog is amazing, definitely following you!love your blog design too! keep up the great work on your blog, looking forward to your next post!

    hope you can follow us back!

    1. Thank you for your kind words!! I'll check out your blog ASAP. Thanks!

  4. Really digging your blog! :-) Cool stuff on here so adding you to my google..maybe follow each other? let's talk soon!

    Hugs from NYC!

